Theta Orthotics provide relief and treatment for foot pain with our unique selection of custom made orthotics.

Knee pain develops with improper function of the foot, this causes an inward rotation of the leg and knee. Improper allignment of the knee joint occurs causing stress on the ligaments, cartalige and tendons. Inflammation and pain is the end result.

Our custom fitted orthotics are manufactured with the aid of mathematical formulas and measurements taken from an impression of you feet. This unique theta-correction stops foot pronation with accompanying internal rotation of the leg, better than any other treatment you can buy. Avoid unnecessary surgery, temporary injections, and ineffective medication. Treat the cause of knee your pain by changing the way you walk.


Doctor Jarrett,

I ordered 2 pair of your orthotics 3 months ago, to see if I could get some help with my knee pain that has been progressive over the last 10 years. I have to admit that I was skeptical but after talking with you and learning that you actually guarantee your results, I felt that I had to try. I can not deny that I still have some pain but it is so much less than before that if it never gets any better it will still be the best thing I could have ever done. Thank you so much for making this possible on the Internet.

Michael Scott, Spring, TX.


Dear Dr. Jarrett,

I can not begin to express the gratitude I feel. I started wearing the 25’s 3 months ago and now wear the 30’s all of the time. To think that my knee pain continues to improve instead of constantly getting worse, no matter what I did, is almost too good to be true. At age 48 I thought for sure I would have no choice but to consider knee replacement surgery as my mother has now done. I walk more, take less medication, and have less pain than I thought possible. When I prayed for help, that I could one day enjoy walking and playing with my new grandson, I would have never guessed that my answer would come to me on the Internet. God bless you for the work you do.

Karen Bennett, Kingston, NY


Dr. Jarrett,

Today I am wearing your Theta-Orthotics for the first time. You’re right they did feel uncomfrortable at first, but I can tell you that the moment I stood up with out even walking in them yet , I could feel the tremoundous pressure off of my knee. Thank you so much for giving me what I have so needed.

Susan Kinder LMT, Destin, FL.