Theta Orthotics offers relief and treatment for both acute and chronic heel pain with our selection of custom made orthotics. If you are suffering from the painful disabling symptoms of heel pain, often diagnosed as Heel Spur Syndrome, Plantar Faschiitis, Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, Posterior Tibial Tendonitis, Retro-Calcaneal Bursitis… find relief with our theta-support, theta-orthotics and total control theta-orthotics products.

Our custom fitted orthotics provide more control and more options for graduated control than any other foot control device on the market. Avoid unnecessary surgery, eliminate physical therapy, minimize medications. Stand up straighter with far less heel pain.


Hello Dr. Jarrett,
After trying 3 different types of orthotics, multiple cortisone injections, physical therapy, and medications, I was skeptical that anyone could help with the pain that I used to get from my heel spur. I am glad that I called and talked to you, and more importantly I am glad I followed your recommendations. I got 25 and 30 degree orthotics and am now wearing the 30’s and virtually pain free at least during the activities that I normally do. I was thinking of doing a little running again. It has been over a year since I had to quit, and was wondering about either more correction at 35 degrees or perhaps the new full-length athletic orthotics you spoke to me about. Please get back with your recommendation. Thanks in advance.
Lance Noble, Wilton, CT.


Hey Doc,
I have been wearing your orthotics now for about 4 years. I bought them on the Internet and am very pleased with the entire process. My heel and arch pain is totally gone and now I can tell how much better I walk and stand. I never go without them. I am very glad that I found you.
Peter Gray, Chelsea, MI