best premium insole

Theta Insole

If you only want or need a little change in the way you walk and stand, Theta Insoles are based on the same Theta geometry that I use with my custom Theta Orthotics.  Theta Insoles with minimal (12 degrees) Theta correction are fit to your shoe size and will work in most all casual shoes. The full length 5 mm neoprene fills the shoe, provides the most durable cushion available, with a helpful Theta correction that NEVER compresses out. If you currently use a premium insole, all we need is your shoe size, to get as good or better function with longer duration, than any other Insole on the market.

The primary intent of my Premium Theta Insole is to provide a gentle change in gait, comparable to the best supportive shoe. Use of Theta Insoles makes every casual shoe the best shoe ever!

We introduce our new Premium Theta Insoles  with a 60 day Money Back Guarantee.

No personal, email, or credit information is ever shared with any other source. All credit card transactions are secured by Purchase price includes shipping and handling USPS. Try your Theta Insoles for 30 days and return them before 60 days, if you don’t think they are the best insole ever. Simply return to Theta Orthotics, 8461 S Regalia , SLC Ut. 84121, for full product refund.  Help me test a new product with no special requirements or risk to you.  Brent A Jarrett DPM 

….secure order buttons… Secure order One Pair Premium Theta Insoles $99.00

Theta research is currently self funded by the sale of Theta treatment products to both new and existing Theta research patients. The medical information and treatment advice I provide creates success and is FREE on the internet. I understand that everyone is skeptical at first, so to help you trust me, I provide a money-back guarantee if you agree for this NON-custom Insole. My intent is to document the help Theta provides to as many patients as will accept my help. Call 801-651-3067 or 800-558-4382 to learn more about Theta and how I can help you. Brent A Jarrett DPM