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Human Biomechanics Determine Your Health and Longevity

By October 10th, 2019 Theta Orthotics News
Runners compete in the men's 60 meter final won by Bromell of the U.S. at the IAAF World Indoor Athletics Championships in Portland

A structural angle in human anatomy is present in all humans. It changes human biomechanics effecting our posture, health, and even our longevity.

This structural fault may actually be responsible for the imbalance in human biomechanics that ultimately determines our physical health and longevity. As it turns out this defect in human alignment is observed in the general population and in these frontal plane photos of both men and women. As we walk and stand, this  curvature in the lower leg creates a series of compensatory movements throughout the entire body. These movements generate forces that significantly effect both biomechanical function and posture.

                             human biomechanics    tibial varum5    human biomechanics

This angle present in the anatomy of our lower legs is often observed but generally misunderstood with reference to the significant effect it has on human biomechanics 

This physical deformity is frequently observed and recorded by physicians. Pediatricians document this commonly observed deformity with the orthopedic name Tibial Varum. The general public human biomechanics tibial varumrefers to what they frequently identify as bowed legs.  Most consider this obvious and frequently observed curvature to be a normal finding, and not generally something that needs too be treated by physicians.  Although physicians often question the significance of this commonly observed curvature in basic human anatomy, no one has  been able to document it’s relationship to human biomechanics.

The human body must compensate for this angular fault in the lower leg. The foot needs to be stable on the ground for us to stand, walk and run.

It is mostly the foot that compensates for this  structural flaw in the lower leg. Two different motions of the foot can compensate for this angle in the lower leg, and  position the front of the foot stable on the ground. One uses muscles in the leg to pull the first metatarsal down toward the ground, supinating the foot.  The other allows gravity to pronate the Sub-Taylor and Mid-Tarsal joints of the foot which brings the inside of the foot down to the supportive surface of the ground. Unfortunately neither of these natural ways of compensating for this structural flaw generate optimal human biomechanics. Even though supination is the better way, eventually as we age the foot pronates more and more.

As the foot compensates for this angular flaw, destructive forces are applied to our body that eventually destroy human posture as we age.

During closed kinetic chain function this physical flaw in alignment, effects every joint from the ankle upward.  In other words as we walk and stand our entire body is linked to the movement of our feet.  More specifically body posture and associated health and longevity, relate directly to this mechanical function of the foot. When pronation compensates for the angular alignment in the leg, it causes a chain reaction that internally rotates the knee and  hip, which tilts the pelvis forward.  Because the spine sits on the pelvis which is being progressively tilted forward, increased curvature of all of the natural spinal curvatures increases as we age. This angular flaw causes pronation of the foot that destroys our posture, creates chronic musculoskeletal pain, and eventually brings death.evolve

These destructive forces, generated as we walk and stand, progressively degrade human biomechanics and posture, resulting in chronic pain and eventually death.

A flaw observed in human biomechanics results in the destruction of body posture as we age. The net result is chronic pain syndromes that eventually result in death.  Solve the riddle of human biomechanics and you will in fact effect both your health and your longevity.

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